
it's almost time

listening to these guys in the library... it's hard not to sing along. weird voices but i really like them.
also, a lot of these mahogany sessions are all shot with a tilt shift.. i need it! $$$

two more days of classes and i'll have finished my fourth semester at BYU.
get me OUTTA HERE! i just have to endure this week and the next, 
and then summer will officially be here! 
then i can get married! and be a wife and stuff!

Has anyone else seen this ... shall we say... freaking amazing >>blog<<? This husband wife photographer duo take their two children all over the world, posting where they will be and taking clients on a first come first serve basis. whenever i see people like this i feel really uncool and uncreative. crap. check out the detail in all their images. seeeyaaa little SLR, i'm gettin me a hassleblad. oh wait. 

1 comment:

  1. I love this song, their voices are so beautiful! Congratulations on finishing up your semester and getting married, so exciting!
